Thursday, March 25, 2010


The marble not yet carved can hold the form of every thought the greatest artist has.

A block of marble to most of us means very little. It may be just a hunk of stone that is blocking our way. To us, there is no hint of it's inherent value. It takes an artist to look at it and see it's potential. It takes an artist to develop a vision of what it might be. But this is true not just of blocks of marble but throughout our lives. In a way, our life is just like that plain block of marble.

For many of us, our life is just something to get through on our search for what will make us happy. Some of us have no real idea of what we are doing here or what we really want out of life. Others tend to focus on some distant event that will finally make them happy and ignore the possibilities that are right in front of them. We just don't see the inherent value of our lives. It takes an artist to develop a vision of what our lives might be.

But the marble not yet carved can hold the form of every thought the greatest artist has. Our lives have infinite possibilities. We can make our life into anything that we can imagine. There is no limit to what we can do with our lives. It all depends on how we look at our life, on the possibilities we can see for ourselves within it. Each of us is an artist who just needs to develop his talent for creativity and imagination and seeing possibilities, so that we can take the necessary actions to make the possible become the actual. And our life to become everything we wanted it to be.

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