Saturday, August 8, 2009


"The more one does and sees and feels, the more one is able to do, and the more genuine may be one's appreciation of fundamental things like home, and love, and understanding companionship
Amelia Earhart

Imagine what it would be like if you spent all your time at home doing chores and trying to keep everyone happy. Some of us actually spend our time like this, especially if we have a really demanding (or needy) family. We are not doing anything new so we are not seeing anything different. Every day is pretty much the same. Life is dull, repetitive and boring. And we don't appreciate anything or anyone.

Now imagine if you were given a respite of a month to do whatever you wanted (assuming you had the money). You would probably travel far and wide and experience things you had never seen before. You would do things you never thought you could do. Your level of ambition would skyrocket. You'd get excited and want to try out more and more things. You'd get a taste of what life was meant to be like, and you'd want more of it. You'd feel wonderful.

The interesting thing that happens in a scenario such as this one is that we learn to appreciate more the home and family we just left. When we come back home refreshed, it is much easier to do the chores etc that we need to do. We do develop a greater appreciation of home and love and understanding companionship. But it is crucial for all of us to allow ourselves periods of time to do and see and feel as much as possible. When we do that, then we can appreciate life itself, and the things that make life worth living. And we will be much happier.

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