Friday, August 14, 2009


“Fear is static that prevents me from hearing myself.”
Samuel Butler

We are all familiar with the way that we feel when we are afraid. Our mind seems to go completely blank and we have no idea what to do with ourselves. All we can think about is what we are afraid will happen to us. Our mind is flooded with anxiety and fear. It seems to take on a life of it's own. And, of course, because we don't know what to do about the situation, we end up having what we were afraid of really happening to us.

There must be a better way. We need to stop the fear before it gets started. We must realize that the only thing we need to be afraid of is the fear itself. God doesn't send us any situations that we can't deal with, if only we were not afraid of them. God has provided us with the wisdom and intuition to know how to cope with any situation. It is actually our fear that prevents us from successfully coping with whatever is happening to us. This is because it is our fear that prevents us from hearing the small voice of wisdom and intuition in ourselves.

Intuition is a quiet voice compared to the fear that screams its message to you. We can only hear it if our mind is calm and quiet. And our intuition is our connection to the wisdom of the Universe; and of our Creator. When we are afraid, we lose that connection so of course we don't know what to do with ourselves except to run away. And running away usually doesn't really solve the problem. The only way that we can successfully cope with the world around us is to listen to our intuition and do it's bidding. And the only way we can really do that is to eliminate fear from our minds.

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