Thursday, August 13, 2009


"You cannot teach a man anything; you can only help him to find it within himself."

We are already everything we need to be, we already have the knowledge within ourselves of everything we need to know. It's just that we are unaware of this fact. We think that we need something outside ourselves to make us complete. We spend our whole lives trying to figure out what that thing is and how to get it. We race around wanting first this thing and then that thing, thinking that we've finally figured out what will make us happy. And then when we get it, we realize that that wasn't the right thing after all and maybe this other thing will be the answer. But it never is.

One of the things that seperates man from the apes and "lower animals" is that he loves to teach others. We want to show other people, especially the ones we love, how to be successful. We even try to teach them what they should want. And we are good learners too, especially when we are young. We learn early that if we want to be successful, we just need to copy others, especially our parents and teachers; to do what they tell us to do. But we are being taught the wrong lesson because our teachers are ignorant of it. We don't learn that we already have all that we need to be successful.

You cannot teach a man anything; you can only help him to find it within himself. This is the one and only lesson we all need to learn. It is only when we learn about our true powers and strengths that we can really be successful. Each of us is like a statue of a golden Buddha that is covered by layers of dirt (negative things we have learned about ourselves). The kindest thing we can do for anyone is brush away the dirt so that the gold shines through.

For ideas about how to acheive true success, visit

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