Friday, August 7, 2009

Do Something Else

"Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works.
You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it.
Then you do something else. The trick is to do something else."
Leonardo da Vinci

This is an interesting idea. He is saying that most of what you do will fail. Often people will think that they are a failure just because some of what they do doesn't work out; but that is doing themselves an enormous disservice. We are supposed to make mistakes and have failures; that helps us to learn and improve. It doesn't mean there is something wrong with us, even if most of what we do doesn't have the results we want to get from it.

But not everything you do will fail. Eventually something will work. What is supposed to happen is that when you finally find something that works you forget about all the failures and only do that successful thing. What works for you may or may not be super successful. But even if it is only a little successful, you can build upon those successes by doing it better. If it is very successful, others will inevitably copy you. They want to see that level of success for themselves. That's flattering, it means you've "arrived".

But it is important to then find something else to do. You want to stay ahead of the curve. You want to be doing something your competitors are not doing. When everyone else starts copying one thing you did, it isn't going to be as successful for you because now you're fighting for a small peice of the pie. The trick is to do something else. It is worth the time and effort to go and find something new to be successful at because then you have the whole pie to yourself again. For a little while. And then the whole process repeats itself.

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