Tuesday, August 11, 2009


Love knows no bounds, because God has no limits. Love knows no threat, because perfect love casts out every fear. In every circumstance in which we perceive a boundary or threat, ask God, 'How can I see this differently?' And Love will open itself to you.
Mary Manin Morrissey

What would your life be like if you had no fear? What would you do if you had no fear? For most of us, fear is so omnipresent in our lives that we would have no idea how to answer this question. It is very difficult to imagine a life without fear. But we all know that it would be heaven on earth. There is really nothing that anyone wants more than to live free of fear.

We usually think that the opposite of love is hate, but it is really fear. In the absence of love everything is scary, and in the presence of love nothing is scary. We are afraid of that which we hate. But there is no real reason to be afraid of anything. All we have to do is welcome real "perfect" unconditional love into our life. Yet we are even afraid of love because we only know conditional love and we know that it inevitably brings pain eventually. But real unconditional love never brings anything but joy.

So how can we rid ourselves of fear. Whenever we perceive a boundary or threat, we need to understand that there is always more than one way of seeing things. Fear is just a "Fantasized Experience Appearing Real". So we must ask God "How can I see this differently? How can I see this through the eyes of Love?". And the answer will come to you as Love will reveal itself to you. Your fear will dissolve.

For ideas about how to acheive true success, visit http://www.reachingmypotential.com

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