Saturday, August 15, 2009


"The only place where your dream becomes impossible is in your own thinking."
Robert H. Schuller

We beleive what we see. We get about 75% of our information from our eyes and we trust it completely. Anyone who has had a hallucination knows just how true this is. As we say "Seeing is beleiving". Yet in truth our vision is not foolproof. There are plenty of optical illusions, things that look like something they are not. There are plenty of ways that we can be tricked into seeing something that just is not what's really out there. We can even be easily tricked into seeing colors that aren't there.

And lawyers know that it is very easy to make you beleive that you saw something you didn't see. Just by changing the way they ask you questions about what you saw, they can actually get you to beleive that you saw just about anything they want you to think you saw. You really can't trust what you think you saw. So what can you trust?

Several years ago now, scientists discovered that you can change what is really out there by changing your beleif about what is really out there. The truth is not that "Seeing is beleiving" but is that "Beleiving is seeing". If you beleive that something is out there, then it is out there. If you beleive that something you want is out there, then it really will be out there. But if you beleive that something you don't want is out there, then it too will really be out there. The only place where your dream becomes impossible is in your own thinking. Anything is possible just as long as you beleive that it is possible, that is will be out there for you.

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