Friday, August 28, 2009


"I found that when you start thinking and saying what you really want, then your mind automatically shifts and pulls you in that direction. And sometimes it can be that simple, just a little twist in vocabulary that illustrates your attitude and philosophy."
Jim Rohn

Your vocabulary is extremely powerful. It not only deeply affects other people, but it affects you most of all. So often we carelessly say something that deeply hurts someone else and then regret it later. We don't think about what we're saying until it's too late. You can never take words back. But those words hurt you just as much as they hurt the other person. We are all connected and whenever someone is hurt, you are hurt too.

Your subconscious mind is made to resist change. That's why you continue to think and act according to old scripts which are usually imprinted in childhood and don't serve you today. And our parents, teachers, and the rest of society, among other negativities, have taught us that we can't have everything we want because something outside of us prevents that. We learn to think about the things we don't want instead of the things that we do want. And if we think about what we want, it is accompanied by negative feelings of envy and anger and hopelessness.

When we think and talk about what we don't want, that is what comes into our lives. But if we can train ourselves to think and talk about what we do want, then that simple little twist in our vocabulary will lead to us enjoying more of what we do want. Our brain will be trained to beleive in our new attitude and philosophy that what we want is indeed possible, and then we will act in such a way that we do indeed acheive everything we wanted.

For ideas about how to acheive true success, visit

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