Wednesday, August 12, 2009


"Start living now. Stop saving the good china for that special occasion. Stop withholding your love until that special person materializes. Every day you are alive is a special occasion. Every minute, every breath, is a gift from God."
Mary Manin Morrissey

How often do we postpone life? We save the good china for that special occasion. I think that we often do this because we are afraid that if we use the good china every day it will get broken and we won't be able to find more good china for when that special occasion comes. We are coming from a mindset of worry and lack. Perhaps we think that if we use the good china every day, what is there to make that special occasion seem so special. But we don't celebrate special occasions because we have good china, it is the reason why we want to celebrate that makes the occasion important.

We withhold our love untill that special person materializes. But how do you know whether that special person will materialize at all. If you don't practise giving your love to others how will you know how to give it to him or her if and when he or she does show up. Most importantly, if you withhold your love from others, you will miss a valuable opportunity to get them to help you find the person you're looking for.

In truth, every day is a special occasion to be celebrated. You are so lucky to be alive to see yet another day. Each day you have on earth is a gift to be opened with joy and gratitude. What if you celebrated every day of your life the same way you celebrate every year of your life with a birthday party. What if you gratefully celebrated every minute, every breath. You would certainly enjoy life a lot more! You would be showing God how much you value being alive and how much you appreciate God for giving you such a gift, and chances are that God would react by giving you many, many more days of being alive.

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