Saturday, August 1, 2009


"Are you bored with life? Then throw yourself into some work you believe in with all your heart, live for it, die for it, and you will find happiness that you had thought could never be yours."
Dale Carnegie

Many of us go through the same old routine every day. We wear the same clothes, eat the same foods, talk to the same people. We do the same work, not because we love it but because it pays the bills. Day in and day out, it's as though we are sleepwalking through life. We are on automatic pilot, not thinking about what we are doing and whether it is the best thing for us to be doing. And we find that nothing that we do satisfies the longing within us.

Many of us have not thought deeply about what it is that we value and how we can best support the things that we value. We deal with what seems urgent and very often the things we value get put off, until one day we find that we don't have them any more. Relationships are like a garden, if you don't continually tend them with loving care, then they will get choked by weeds and die.

If you are unhappy with your life, you need to look around you and decide whether you are doing the things that you really should be doing, the ones that support your values and the things you beleive deeply in. Throw yourself into some work you believe in with all your heart. Dedicate your life to what you really love. Throw your heart and soul into it. Get passionately enthusiastic about it. That is the way to find true happiness in life.

For ideas about how to acheive true success, visit

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