Sunday, August 9, 2009


"The world never puts a price on you higher than the one you put on yourself"
Sonje Henie

How much do you value yourself? You've probably never asked yourself that question. Perhaps you assume the answer is obvious. Of course you value yourself. The big question here is compared to what. Are you as valuable as Joe down the street who has a very prestigous job? Are you more valuable than Wanda next door who can't get a job because she is disabled? Are you as valuable to your boss as your co-workers are?

Most of us, if our truth be known, greatly under-value ourselves. We are apt to assume that whatever we can do, someone else can do better. Why would somebody want what I have to offer, when they can probably get it better or cheaper somewhere else? The whole idea of us selling anything, especially ourselves, strikes fear into our hearts. We are convinced that other people will reject us in favor of someone, or something, better, and we are terrified of their rejection.

But it doesn't have to be that way. We can sell ourselves to other people without being an egotistical bore. We can persuade people to buy what we have to sell (or take what we have to give). There are established methods of selling that have been shown to work, if we will but study them. It will be well worth it. Selling is the single most important skill you can learn on your way to acheiving success. But in order to sell, you have to value yourself and what you are offering. The world never puts a price on you higher than the one you put on yourself. If you are going to convince anyone you are valuable, you must beleive that yourself.

For ideas about how to acheive true success, visit

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