Wednesday, August 5, 2009


"Let us rise up and be thankful, for if we didn't learn a lot today, at least we learned a little, and if we didn't learn a little, at least we didn't get sick, and if we got sick, at least we didn't die; so, let us all be thankful."

It is so important to be grateful for all your blessings. Everyone likes it when you tell them what you appreciate about them, and the Universe is no exception. When you are grateful, you are focused on what you love about your surroundings too, which attracts more of what you love to you.

We all know, deep down, that there is always someone worse off than we are. There is always a way that we could be worse off than we are. We tend to forget that in many parts of the world, a quarter cup of rice is a full day's food. We tend to forget that in many parts of the world it is not safe to attend the church of your choice, or to say what you want to say, or to wear "indecent" dress (which can include wearing trousers if you are female). We tend to forget that even in America, many people are homeless.

But we all tend to compare ourselves with those who have more than we do, and complain that it's not fair that they have so much that we don't have. We see someone who has what we want, and feel bad because they have it but we don't. But this, of course, just pushes away the thing that we want because deep inside we feel that there is some reason why we can't have it (because we aren't as good as they are).

Always be thankful for where you are. Think of all the things that you have that you would miss if they disappeared tomorrow. Think about the people who have even less than you do, instead of the ones who have more. At the very worst, you should be thankful that another day has been given to you; many people will not live through the day. And be thankful for the success you will have in the future.

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