Monday, August 17, 2009


"You don't have to specialize - do everything that you love and then, at some time, the future will come together for you in some form."
Francis Ford Coppola

How often have you heard "A Jack of all trades is the master of none". We've been brought up to beleive that the more you specialize in something, the better. It is true that he more you focus in on one thing, the better you get at it. But, the larger question is whether being very good at one thing and terrible at everything else is best for you in the long run.

We also know in our hearts the importance of being "well-rounded". A liberal education is highly prized, at least by some people. The truth is that life cannot be narrowed down into one specialty. A person who truly lives life is interested in many subjects and does many different things. They may not do any one of them particularly well, but that is not the point. They are always trying new things, experiencing things that they haven't experienced before; they are learning and growing.

We value a specialist only for what he can teach us about his subject. The truth is that people who have "dabbled" in many different things are happier and more interesting. It is a good thing that you don't have to specialize in order to be successful. The important thing is to find out what you love to do, and then do as many different things that you really enjoy as possible. If you do that, then, at some time, the future will come together for you in some form. Success will appear.

For ideas about how to acheive true success, visit

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