Tuesday, August 18, 2009


"Never let yesterday use up today."
Richard H. Nelson

How many times a day do you reflect on the past? Perhaps you have a great memory that you love to relive time and time again. Perhaps you have a nasty memory that just won't go away. Perhaps you are remembering all the stupid things you have done and beating yourself up over them. Perhaps you are remembering past victories and wishing you could replicate them. The past, all the memories good and bad, is in a sense who you are. It is what your Ego is made up of. No wonder you relive it so much. You are remembering who you think you are.

But the past is over. You can't change it. The past isn't even real. It is simply an idea, that has no real use unless you are using it to solve a problem that you have right now. Whenever you are thinking about the past, you are doing it now. Now is all that really matters. As they say "There's no use crying over spilt milk". Yet we all have done that many times. We beat ourselves up with stupid things we have done in the past, but in reality nothing is more stupid than getting mad at someone who, if he had known what to do, would have done it.

Start with where you are. Don't let yesterday use up today. Don't waste today thinking or worrying about what happened yesterday. You can't do anything about it anyway. Right now is the only time we have to actually do something to improve our world, and if we let it slide by because we were dwelling on yesterday, then things will never improve. Start with where you are today and ask yourself what is the best way to move forward, given that conditions are the way they are. Use today wisely. The present is a gift.

For ideas about how to acheive true success, visit http://www.reachingmypotential.com

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