Monday, August 31, 2009


"The core problem is not that we are too passionate about bad things, but that we are not passionate enough about good things."
Larry Crabb

What are you passionate about? Chances are you are much more passionate about what you don't want (war, hunger, poverty, pollution etc) than about what you do want (peace, food for everyone, wealth, clean air/water). We seem to have this unconscious idea that if we focus on what we don't want, this will somehow make it go away. That the things that are already in our life that we enjoy, well we don't want to change them so we don't need to pay attention to them. We tend to "Let good enough alone".

But the truth is that whatever you pay the most attention to and feel strongest about is what you get the most of. You can't get rid of war by telling everyone how awful it is and focusing on what you don't like about it. The problem with this approach is that you are sending the message that you expect war to happen and that you have no control over that. And if you expect war to happen it will. Imagine telling everyone how wonderful peace would be and focusing on what would be so great about that. Now you are sending the message that you expect peace to happen. And so it will.

But we are not passionate enough about peace. We never discuss it with others. The government certainly doesn't have a department of peace, the way it has one of war; and it definately has no budget for peace initiatives that is anywhere near the one it has for fighting wars. Why is this? We all say that we want peace, but how serious are we about it? All our thoughts and actions are focused on war. And it is the same with just about any problem that we want to solve. As long as we are not passionate enough about what we say we want, then we will never get what we want.

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