Monday, March 23, 2009


"First say to yourself what you would be; and then do what you have to do."

So many of us are focused on what we would like to have. We are convinced that when we get that thing we will be happy. When I get a bigger house...When I get a raise...When I get a maid...When I get a better job..."

We feel as though when we get all those things, then we can start doing what we really want. "When I get a getter job, I will be able to go on more exotic vacations". When I get a raise, I will be able to hire a gardener. When I get a bigger house, I will be able to study in peace. When I get a maid, I will be able to do more enjoyable things than vacum and dust. And on and on.

We want to have things so that we can do what we want in order to be the way we want, which is happy. But when we focus on what we don't have yet, we can't be happy right now. We have the order of things wrong. When we focus on being happy with the things we have right now, then we will do the things that are necessary to have the things we want. We know how we want to feel, so we just do whatever will make us feel that way. And those things we do are what brings us the physical things we want. We get happier and happier.

For ideas about how to acheive true success, visit

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