Sunday, March 8, 2009


"The world is a great mirror. It reflects back to you what you are. If you are loving, if you are friendly, if you are helpful, the world will prove loving and friendly and helpful to you. The world is what you are."
Thomas Dreier

What is your world showing you about yourself? Are you truly happy with everything that goes on around you? Most of us are not. Some of us aren't happy with anything that is going on around them. The truth is that everything around you, you've attracted into your life. When good things are there, we would like to beleive this. But when we see bad things, it's difficult to accept that you attracted them into your life.

Why would you attract bad things into your life? Some people actually, unconsciously, choose to do this because they get rewards from it that they aren't aware of. For instance, someone might choose to be sick all the time (hypochondriacs) because they enjoy having all the people around them be sympathetic and even do things for them. Often when they realize this, they can say they would rather be well than get this kind of attention from others, and their sickness goes away.

If you don't like what the world around you looks like, then it's time to change yourself; including your subconscious beleifs. If the people around you don't love you enough, then you need to start loving them more. If you never have enough money, the world is telling you that you have a (probably subconscious) beleif that there never is enough money for everyone, so you need to change that. The outside world is just a reflection of your inside world.

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