Sunday, March 22, 2009


"When you know that you're capable of dealing with whatever comes, you have the only security the world has to offer."
Harry Browne

Do you long for security? Real security is knowing that no matter what happens you will be okay. Many of us would like for bad things to never happen. We figure that the only way to be safe from bad things is if those bad things never happen in the first place. We feel a need to control our lives, to make sure that nothing happens that we don't want to happen. We desperately want to be in control of the things around us. We don't want to take risks. They're, well, too risky. What if something bad happens and then I won't be okay? Does this sound like you.

The truth is that bad things do happen, and they will always happen. Nobody can stop them from happening. But just because something bad happens doesn't mean you have to be hurt. You can always change your attitude about things. A lot of the time we think something is bad just because we are looking at its worst aspects. If we looked hard enough, we could find something good about it, and then we could feel better about it. For example, suppose you were in an accident and were in hospital for a week. You could complain "Why did this have to happen to me" and focus on your pain and the money it will cost to repair everything. Or you could feel glad that the doctors are able to make you better and/or that you now can rest for a week and catch up with those novels you've been wanting to read, and sure enough, you will turn out okay.

If you could really trust that whatever happens, you will turn out okay, not only will you feel more secure when bad situations happen but fewer bad situations will happen to you. If you beleive you will be okay no matter what happens, the Universe will beleive it too. And it will send you situations in which you really will be okay. That's the best security there is.

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