Thursday, March 12, 2009


"Ask yourself what you would do even if you were never paid. That's a clue to what you should be doing and of course finding a way to be paid for it. You can attract more money from love."
Dr. Joe Vitale

Have you ever thought about what you would do all day long even if you never were paid for it? Most of us do what we do all day long because we ARE paid for it. Usually the pay is more important to us that whatever it is that we are doing. After all, we need to pay the bills; that's the most urgent thing in our lives. There never seems to be enough money, no matter how much money we have. Money is like a god; we constantly crave it because we have equated it with happiness and freedom.

But money creates neither happiness or freedom after a certain point (apparently after about 15,000$ yearly income). The world is full of rich people who are miserable; and they are not really free either because they have to look after and worry about the theft or destruction of all the things they have accumulated.

So if money doesn't create the happiness we all long for then what does. Certainly a large part of happiness comes from doing the things we enjoy doing most. Another large part of it comes from doing things for other people. So why not combine the two? Why not do for other people the things you enjoy doing most? That is what you should be doing all day, because it benefits everyone. And you can attract more money from love.

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