Friday, March 27, 2009


"Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself."
Leo Tolstoy

We would all like to change the world. We dream of a world with no hunger and no poverty. We dream of a world with no pollution and no sickness. We dream of a world without violence and war. But we would like to change our immediate environment too. We dream of a bigger house, a faster car, quiet neighbors. We always can find something in the outside world that we wish was different. We do everything we can think of to change the world. But we don't think of changing ourselves.

If we could become peaceful, we would become an inspiration for the people around us, and when each of them became peaceful they would become an inspiration to the people around them. Ripples of peacefulness would spread throughout the world and combine. By being a model of what we wanted to see in the world outside us, we could change that world. But we have to change first. We have to become the kind of person who would have the peace or wealth or whatever it is we want for the world. We have to inspire others.

We don't become successful by trying to change the outside world directly. We become successful by changing ourselves into the kind of person who does the things that lead to the results we want to see in the world, and inspires others to do the same. We don't have to change the world. We just have to change ourselves.

For ideas about how to acheive true success, visit

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