Monday, March 30, 2009


You have to allow a certain amount of time in which you are doing nothing in order to have things occur to you, to let your mind think."
Mortimer Adler

In our society, we worship activity. We consider any time that we are not actively doing something as a waste of time. In fact, for many of us, we consider any time that we are not actively doing several things at once as a waste of time. Often we invent activities to do because we don't have any constructive ideas of what we should be doing at this moment. We call this busywork.

We are driven to do the most things possible in the shortest amount of time. We haven't stopped to think about whether all those things we are doing are moving us towards where we want to be, or about whether all this activity is producing significant results. We haven't thought about where we want to be, or what kind of results we are expecting our actions to produce.

It is essential to allow some time every day to stop all your activity and just think. Think about what you want, and the best way to go about acheiving it. Develop a plan of action. The best thing you can do is to develop a habit of daily meditation. Find a time and place where you can be undisturbed. Just stop what you're doing, stop what you are thinking about that, and let inspired ideas come to you of what activities you really should be doing. That is a very important part of being truly successful

For ideas about how to acheive true success, visit

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