Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Day In and Day Out

"It's not what you do once in a while, it's what you do day in and day out that makes the difference."
Jenny Craig

Most of us don't appreciate the significance of our habits. We make New Year's Resolutions and by February we have all but forgotten them. Why? Because we didn't make them into a habit. We just went about doing all our old habits. No matter how much we may want something, if we don't make it into a habit, it will never happen.

You may want to think of developing a habit like forging a road through the jungle of your brain. In the beginning, no matter how eager you are to get going, it's a huge amount of work clearing the brush. But the more people travel down that path, and the more frequently they travel, the wider the pathway gets and the more easier it is to follow. And when you are a person who just arrived, which path are you going to take. The one that's already cleared and well travelled, of course. In fact habits are thousands of times stronger than desires.

In this analogy the nerve impulses that occur whenever you think a thought or do some action, are like the people wanting to travel. When you do something every day, you are in a situation when that particular neural pathway will be very well travelled. You have a habit. When you only do something once in a while you will be in the same situation as the person who is trying to clear all the brush.

If you ever want to accomplish something, it is essential to make it into a habit, or to develop habits that will support your goals. If you have a habit you want to get rid of, you will have to create a whole new habit that is more useful to you. They say it takes doing something for 21 consecutive days before it becomes a habit. You better get started now.

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