Thursday, March 26, 2009

Give Up

"No matter what we want of life we have to give up something in order to get it."
Raymond Holliwel

We have all heard that "there's no such thing as a free lunch" but most of us live as as though there must be a free lunch somewhere. We are always searching for the greatest value for the lowest price. When the stores have a sale, we rush over there.
We always have one eye on the lookout for freebies, even though deep down we know there must be a catch somewhere.

There is always something we must give up in order to get what we want. It may be time, money, energy, or a combination of all three. T Harv Ecker mentions that people all the time say that they want to become a millionaire. But few of them are willing to give up their weekends, their time for hobbies, their time to spend with friends and family, even for a little while. People just don't want to give up anything that they are used to having.

In order to be successful at anything, you have to give up something, and probably several things. Everything comes with a price. You simply have to be willing to pay that price. In order to do this, you have to make the success you want become more attractive than whatever you will have to give up in order to get it. You have to come at this with the mindset that nothing is free. And even if it was, you would not value it. The more we had to give up in order to get what we want, the more we will value what we want, and ourselves for being able to get it.

For ideas about how to acheive true success, visit

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