Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Turn Back

No matter how far you have gone on the wrong road, turn back"
Turkish proverb

It is often very difficult for us to admit that we have changed our minds. Perhaps we have committed ourselves to something and then realized that it isn't going to work out. We are reluctant to stop it because we are afraid of hurting or upsetting other people who are relying on us to do what we said we would. We feel guilty about backing out of a commitment. But what is the point of knowingly making yourself miserable for a long time in the future. It's better to quit while you still can.

Perhaps we have spent a great deal of time, money, and/or energy on something and it hasn't got us where we want to be. We are feeling dissatisfied with it. We are reluctant to get rid of it because that would mean that all those resources we spent on it would have been wasted. But what is the point of wasting even more resources on it in the future?

Successful people know when it's time to get rid of something. They don't wait around and hope that things will get better. They don't allow negative things to take up space in their lives. They have no tolerance for nagging unresolved pains. They don't allow anything to spoil their dreams. No matter how far they have gone down the wrong road, they turn back as soon as they realize that they are on the wrong road.

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