Thursday, March 19, 2009


"The amount of love you show to your neighbor reflects how much you love yourself."
Tessy Igbinoghene

It has been said that when we critisise someone else, we are really critisising ourself. We are usually very aware of our faults and shortcomings, much more than we are aware of our strengths and talents. We have this idea that these faults make us bad people, and if other people knew about them then they would despise us. Since we can't deal with our own shortcomings, we tend to project them onto other people. We say to ourselves "See, I'm not ___; he is. Psychologists call this projective identification.

Since love is what makes life worth living, it is vital to love yourself. You need to be able to accept every part of you; the good, the bad, and the ugly. Then you need to prove you love yourself by striving to be the best person you can be. Find ways to increase your strengths and lessen your weaknesses. Throwing your weaknesses onto other people is a form of denial, and when you deny your weaknesses, you can't do anything with them. Not only that, but when people see that you don't love them, they won't love you.

In order to be really successful, you need other people's love and cooperation. You also need to love yourself enough to expect success. If you find yourself spending a lot of time critisising others, then it's time to start loving yourself more.

For ideas about how to acheive true success, visit

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