Saturday, March 21, 2009

Blow your Horn

Get someone else to blow your horn and the sound will carry twice as far.
Will Rogers

Most of us are busy blowing our own horn. We are desperate for attention. We want everyone to know how great we are, and we think that the only way for them to find that out is if we tell them, or show them. We go out of our way to do things that we think will impress others. We go out of our way to show others how wonderful we are. We want to be the star of the show, and let everyone else know it.

But is this the best way to let people know what good people we are? What if we found someone else who thought we were wonderful and that person told everyone about it. Other people would beleive him much more than they'd beleive you because they expect you to be biased about your abilities but they don't expect him to be. They beleive his is a more honest and accurate appraisal. They assume he has no reason to say such things other than that that's his real experience. They are impressed by what he says.

Make sure that you are always treating other people well. You never know who will turn into your spokesperson. When he blows your horn, many more people will hear it. Remember that this principle also applies to those people who don't like the way you treat them and they let everyone know about it. Don't put yourself in that position. You never know who will have plenty to say about you.

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