Monday, March 2, 2009


"Three grand essentials to happiness in this life are something to do, something to love, and something to hope for."
Joseph Addison

Have you thought about what it is that really makes you happy. Most of us spend our whole lives searching for something that will finally make us happy. The problem with this is that as soon as we find that thing we thought would make us happy, we become upset at the possibility of losing it and also promptly find something that we think would make us even more happy. It's like a merry-go-round where we never really get anywhere.

In order to be happy, it is essential that we have something to do. We all know how miserable we can be when we are bored. People were meant to take action towards some goal. We are happiest when we know that we are getting closer to acheiving something we value. We are happiest when we are continually improving ourselves.

It is therefore essential for our happiness that we have something we value. We need to have something we love. Love is truly what makes the world go round. It really is what makes us feel happy and alive. Without love we have no motivation to improve, nothing to work towards, and nothing to appreciate the beauty of.

It is essential that we have something to hope for. We must have the expectation that we can acheive what we want. After all, if we have no hope of acheiving something, then we aren't going to be motivated to go after it. And we are going to feel bad because now we want something that we feel that we can't have.

To be happy, you must know what you love enough to work to obtain. You must have the hope that comes from confidence that you can acheive your goal. And you must then take consistent action to work towards that goal. Then, not only will you be happy, but successful too.

For ideas about how to acheive true success, visit

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