Friday, February 27, 2009


"A man may fail many times but he isn't a failure until he begins to blame somebody else."
J. Paul Getty

Many of us are terrified of failure. We think that if we fail it's the end of the world. We are risk adverse. We won't try anything unless and untill we are pretty sure we will succeed at it. We procrastinate while we think about how to get around all the possible obstacles in our way. We often never get started; or if we do, we get started too late and miss our window of opportunity. And if we do fail, we blame everyone except ourself. We complain about the impossible circumstances. We give up. It is then that we have truly failed.

But everyone fails unless they aren't trying to accomplish anything. Failure is actually an important part of success, because it is only when you fail that you find out what doesn't work. You learn from your mistakes and failures.

A successful person just learns what he can, gets back up and continues. He knows that the failure happened because of his own mistake so he doesn't blame others. He's not afraid to admit his mistakes. He doesn't complain about his circumstances. He knows that his failures are actually helping him narrow down the possibilities for the pathway to success. He actually fails his way to success. No matter how many times he fails, he is still a success because he accepts responsibility for his failures and learns from them about what doesn't work.

For ideas about how to acheive true success, visit

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