Saturday, February 21, 2009


"If you want to make good use of your time, you've got to know what's most important and then give it all you've got."
Lee Iacocca

What is the most important use of your time? Most of us find that a difficult question to answer. We're inclined to say "Whatever is most urgent". We spend our days reacting to whatever life throws our way, without stopping to think whether it is more important than other activities which are not so urgent. We are often so busy dealing with deadlines and demands at our work that we neglect our family and other important relationships. We are often so busy dealing with emergencies that we neglect our health and well-being.

Only we can determine what is most important to us. But when we make that decision, whether something is urgent or not should not be the main criteria we're using. We need to eliminate those things from our lives completely that are neither urgent or important, and minimize urgent but not important things. We need to purposefully make sure there is plenty of time to attend to the most important things in our life, regardless of what else is going on in our lives. We need to schedule an appointment with ourselves to spend time on our health or our relationships or whatever else is most important, and keep that time no matter what. And once we've made the time, we need to concentrate fully on that one thing and give it all we've got. That's the best way to utilize our time.

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