Thursday, February 19, 2009


"Success is not to be pursued; it is to be attracted by the person you become."
Jim Rohn

We spend our whole lives chasing after success. We want to become successful. We want to aquire those things that we think will make us happy, and, perhaps most importantly, will show other people that we have been successful so that they will be impressed and think more highly of us. But as soon as we acheive success, as soon as we aquire that object that symbolizes success for us, we promptly find something else we want that symbolizes even greater success for us so we start chasing after success all over again.

Success is not something to be pursued. It does not run away from you; unless of course it sees that you are completely unsuitable for it. A much more effective way to acheive success is to attract it by becoming the kind of person who is successful. What kind of person is successful? It is a person with great integrity and character, and a strong and sincere desire to help other people be successful. It is a person who is happy, confident of their abilities and worth, courageous and who never gives up. This is the kind of person you want to be, in order to attract the success you desire.

For ideas about how to acheive true success, visit

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