Friday, February 6, 2009


"You have two primary choices in life: to accept conditions as they exist, or accept the responsibility for changing them."
Denis Waitley

Actually there is another choice at least some of the time, and that is to just leave the situation if you can. But so often, we react to situations by wishing they would go away, or wishing that they had never happened. Wishing they would go away is a complete waste of time, unless we actually take action to change the situation ourself. It is entiredly possible that we are the only person who thinks the situation is unwanted in the first place. Nobody else will do change things for us, especially if they don't even know what we really want. It is true that sometimes we can't change situations, and then we have only one choice and that is to accept the conditions as they exist.

Accepting a bad situation is really difficult for most of us. We resent it. We resist it. We judge it. But often we are simply looking at it the wrong way. Every situation can be seen in many ways. Losing your job could be seen as a disaster, or as an opportunity to find an even better job in your feild or as an opportunity to take inventory and decide what you want to do now. Everything depends on how you look at it. The other advantage of accepting a bad situation is that when you are not focused on the problem and how annoying it is, it allows you to think about the solution, and then you'll find that solution much more easily.

Take responsibility for your life. No matter what happens, either change it or accept it, or leave the situation. Doing anything else is crazy.

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