Wednesday, February 18, 2009


"The more intensely we feel about an idea or a goal, the
more assuredly the idea, buried deep in our subconscious,
will direct us along the path to its fulfillment" -- Earl

What are your most cherished beleifs? What are you absolutely sure about? What are you passionate about. You may not know a lot of your beleifs, since they are buried in your subconscious, but there is a way of telling what they are. Look around you. The ideas we feel most strongly about are revealed in what we see around us. If we beleive that people are dishonest crooks, for example, we are going to be surrounded by a lot of dishonest crooks. If we beleive that people are honest and good, we are going to be surrounded by honest, good people.

This insight can work to your advantage when you know about it. As long as you can establish a cherished beleif in something you want, it will come into your life. But it can also work against you, especially if you aren't aware of it. So many of us say that we want more money, but our beleif and expectation is that rich people are greedy, or that we're not deserving (among other things), so we don't get the money we want because we don't beleive we deserve it or we don't want to become one of those greedy rich people.

Find out what you really beleive, and if that beleif doesn't get you what you want, then replace it with one that does. The good news is that if you beleive that you can get what you want, and that you deserve it, then it will come to you no matter how big a dream you have.

For ideas about how to acheive true success, visit

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