Thursday, February 12, 2009


"Adventure isn't hanging on a rope off the side of a mountain. Adventure is an attitude that we must apply To the day to day obstacles of life - Facing new challenges, seizing new opportunities, Testing our resources against the unknown and in the process, Discovering our own unique potentional."
John Amatt

How much adventure is there in your life? Some of us have no adventure at all. We are afraid to leave our comfort zone. We don't want to take the risk that something new may not work out for us. We would rather stick to the tried and true, to the familiar, even if the familiar is not particularly pleasant.

Some of us have adventure sometimes. Perhaps we seek adventure when we go on vacation because we have got tired of the same old scenery at work and at home. We need a break. We look for something new and different because we know that if we do that for a while we can return to our same routine refreshed. Vacation is a safe place to adventure because it is for the purpose of getting away from the normal routine.

Successful people make adventure a part of their everyday lives. Every day is an adventure. Every day they take risks, try new things, and test their resources. Every day they learn more about their own unique potential. Every day, they really live. They face new challenges and seize new opportunities. They learn and grow. Make your life an adventure so you can learn more about just how much you are really capable of.

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