Monday, February 9, 2009


"Most of us are so busy doing what we think we have to that we do not think about what we really want to do."
Robert Percival

What are you busy doing? Most of us are so busy doing things, we have never even thought about what we are doing and where it is likely to get us. We just respond to whatever seems most urgent and necessary. We do the things we think we have to do. Sometimes we think that what we're busy doing is the closest we can get to what we really want, because what we really want is unavailable or only for people who are somehow more deserving and worthy.

We all have some idea in our heads of who we are, and of who we think we should be in order to gain the approval of others. We spend our lives trying to acquire the things that we think we need in order to support those ideas. If I think that I should be learned, I will spend a lot of time in school and get an advanced degree. If I think that I should be kind, I will find a career that lets me develop and show off that side of myself.

But those things are usually not what you really want. What you really want has nothing to do with impressing or pleasing other people. It is about you, not them. Think about what you really want; what you would do if the opinions of others were irrelevant and you were completely capable and deserving of doing anything at all. Then go out and do it.

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