Friday, February 13, 2009


"Successful people are always looking for opportunities
to help others. Unsuccessful people are always
asking, 'What's in it for me?'"
Brian Tracy

Are you always wondering how you can benefit from a situation? What will you get if you do this? What's in it for me? That's a recipe for being unsuccessful, for getting less out of life. The truth is that we all need each other. Nobody can do it all by themselves. When you are focused on yourself, and on what you are going to get out of whatever you do, people sense that, and don't want to help you. After all they want to get something for themselves out of your actions, because we all tend to ask "What's in it for me". If they realize nothing's in it for them, then they'll see no reason to cooperate with you.

Successful people look for opportunities to help others. They know that the more they help others the more they will be helped. The help may not come from the people they helped, but it will come. People are more motivated to help you if they beleive that you have their interests at heart too, that you want them to benefit from the situation too. People will like you more. Your generosity will inspire others to be generous to you too. We all need each other. When you help others, they help you. Everyone wins.

For ideas about how to acheive true success, visit

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