Sunday, February 1, 2009


"The self is not something ready-made, but something in continuous formation through choice of action"
John Dewey

Your self is continously changing. You are not the same person today as you were yesterday, or even a few minutes ago. Most of us picture ourselves the way we were in the past, and when we picture ourselves in the future, it usually is the same, just older. Some of us even wish we were still the way we were in the past, when we were young and free. But the only way to stay the same as you were is to not do anything, which is not living.

You are, in your day to day and even minute to minute actions, forming your self. Who you are depends on what you do. If you choose to do immoral things, you will become an immoral person, who then does even more immoral things. It becomes a vicious circle. If however you choose to do great things, you will become a great person, who then will do even greater things. It's all up to you. Personally, I would choose the latter option.

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