Wednesday, February 4, 2009


"Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated."

Is your life complicated? We tend to judge how successful we are by how much money we have, and we know other people judge how much money we have by how many things we have. But having a lot of things is not always a good idea. And it won't always make us happy. It will, in fact, make our lives needlessly complicated. We will have to find a place to put all those things, and we will have to organize them so we can find them easily. We will have to insure them and worry about someone stealing them. We have to worry about them getting lost or broken. This is not real success.

Life is actually simple. We don't need that much to live. As long as we have a roof over our heads and food in our stomach and people to talk to and a way to get around, we have the basics of a good life. We don't need a Jaguar to drive around in, we just want it. All we really need is a reliable vehicle that can get us where we're going, even if it's just the public bus. Don't complicate your life so much that it makes you miserable. Ask yourself if you really need the things you think you must have in order to be, and look, successful. You probably don't.

For ideas about how to acheive true success, visit

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