Sunday, February 8, 2009

God's Love

"Measure not God's love and favour by your own feeling. The sun shines as clearly in the darkest day as it does in the brightest. The difference is not in the sun, but in some clouds which hinder the manifestation of the light thereof."
Richard Sibbes

Often when we feel down and miserable, we feel like the world is against us, and even God must be punishing us for something. Our feelings are very much tied in with what is going on around us. We have this expectation that things should never go wrong, that everything should go as planned. And when it doesn't, we think that it must be our fault, it must be because we are somehow bad or did something wrong.

That's not how life works. Life doesn't always go as we planned, especially as everyone's plans are different. It doesn't mean that it's your fault, or that you did something wrong, or that God doesn't love you. If there is a day where it rains on your parade, maybe there is another person who is rejoicing that it rained that day. And the rain won't last too long anyway.

Just because it's raining on your parade doesn't mean that God is punishing you. God's love is still there, and will always be there. It's just that you can't see it at this time because there are clouds covering it up. Don't give up on God. God's love for you has nothing to do with whether you feel good or bad. It is there unconditionally and always.

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