Wednesday, February 25, 2009


"There is a great difference between worry and concern. A worried person sees a problem, and a concerned person solves a problem."
Harold Stephens

In our society, worrying is almost second nature. It is difficult to spend even one day without worrying about some problem. We excuse ourselves by saying that we are concerned about whatever problem is bothering us. But worrying and being concerned are not the same thing.

When you are worried, you take some frightening event that happened somewhere in your past and project it into the future, imagining that it will happen again. It is a kind of faith that the worst case scenario will happen. Many of us go so far as to actively try to determine all the things that could possibly go wrong because we think that if we have a solution for all of them, then we'll be okay when something does go wrong. When we do that, however, we are often almost paralyzed with confusion over how to deal with a situation, and we never get started doing something. We see problems even where none exist.

When you are concerned, you have already seen the situation and you know what is involved in it. You can see the cause of the problem, so it is much easier to see its solution. Waiting until after a problem actually occurs to start dealing with it is a much more effective and efficient way to solve the problem.

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