Monday, February 16, 2009

Stress and Strain

"Instead of trying hard by conscious effort to do the thing by iron-jawed will power, and all the while worrying and picturing to yourself all the things that are likely to go wrong, you simply relax the strain, stop trying to "do it" by strain and effort, picture to yourself the target you really want to hit, and "let" your creative success mechanism take over. "
Dr. Maxwell Maltz

We try so hard. We want so much to do a good job and have everything go perfectly. We want to impress others. This sets up an enormous pressure on ourselves to perform. We are afraid that something will go wrong because we are so pressured to have everything go exactly right. We fight with our task. We imagine all the things that can go wrong, hoping that we can eliminate them if we know what they are. We struggle to complete it perfectly. Sometimes we feel so overwhelmed by all the components of the task, and the need to do them perfectly, that we procrastinate until the window of opportunity has passed by.

It is much better to relax and have faith in God's love for you and ability to help you get your task done. As long as you are clear about what exactly it is that you want to get done, God will help you if you will just let go and trust God. Most of us are so busy thinking that we know the best way to get things done and trying to run around doing things our own way, that we fail to be still long enough to listen to what God, through our intuition, is telling us to do. We are not letting our "creative success mechanism" take over. We are taking action but it is not inspired action, and it is more difficult and takes longer than it needs to. Decide what it is you really want, and then let go and let God.

For ideas about how to be truly successful, visit

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