Sunday, February 15, 2009


"The time to relax is when you don't have time for it."
Sidney J. Harris

How often do you relax. Personally, I barely know the meaning of the word. Most of us are far too stressed to even think about relaxing. That's why most of us dream of vacationing all the time. We plan our vacations more carefully than we plan our life. Perhaps that's because we see our vacation as the only time we can really live our life.

It is of course when we are stressed that we need to relax the most. When we're calm and peaceful, there's no point in relaxing, no need. But it's when we are stressed, that we forget to relax, we push it aside like it wasn't important. But when we're stressed, we aren't really living, we aren't enjoying our life, and we aren't really being successful. We need to relax so we can get to the point that we can prioritize what's really important in our life, and plan the best way to get the most important things done first and how to pace ourselves to have a balance of activities.

When we are stressed, all we can think about is how many things we have to get done in order to be where we think we should be. We lose our perspective and even our understanding of where we really want to be in the end. We get to a point where all we're doing is spinning our wheels, or racing up the ladder only to find out that it's leaning against the wrong wall. The time to relax is when you are stressed, when you don't have time to relax. You never want to get that stressed because the sheer stress will prevent you from being successful and reaching your goals.

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