Tuesday, March 31, 2009


Hard work spotlights the character of people: some turn up their sleeves, some turn up their noses, and some don't turn up at all.
-Sam Ewig

How do you feel about work? Our society has given work a bad name. We associate it with a lot of struggle to get few rewards, or worse yet, even failure. We hate work. We see our job as a chore that we only do so that we can enjoy the weekend. Most of us are forever on the search for the easiest possible way to get what we want. We forget that "there's no free lunch".

In order to enjoy your work, you must be confident of your success. You must have no doubt that the result of the work you are doing will move you forward towards your goals. Of course, if you have no goals, then your work will seem pointless, and you will have no real motivation to do it.

The way you approach your work spotlights your character because it shows to what extent you know where you are going, and are confident you are that you will eventually get there. People who turn up their sleeves beleive that they can do this work well, and also that it will make a difference in the world. People who turn up their noses may beleive that the work is important but that they don't have the ability to do it well. They may also beleive that they can do the work but their results will not make a difference to them or to anyone else. Finally, people who don't show up at all, don't beleive that the work is important, or that they can do it well anyway. They have absolutely no motivation to work. The first group will acheive great success, the second group will acheive a little success, and the third group will fail. Which group are you in?

For ideas about how to acheive true success, visit http://www.reachingmypotential.com

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