Sunday, March 15, 2009


"Sit down before fact like a little child, and be prepared to give up every preconceived notion. Follow humbly wherever and to whatever abyss Nature leads, or you shall learn nothing."
Thomas Henry Huxley

Most of us cling to our pre-conceptions about the world with everything we've got. We get really upset whenever we see or hear something that doesn't agree with how we thought it should be. Think of how often you use the word "should". We have plenty of opinions about how everything should be. But whenever I hear the word "should" I want to ask "Why should it?". When you ask that, most people don't have any adequate explanation.

All our pre-conceived notions about how the world works are indispensable parts of ourselves. When life doesn't behave according to the way it should, then it is as if our very being was threatened. Our ego is is terrified of death.

But we are created to not only live, but to grow and expand. The only way that we have to do that is to learn new things. If we want to be successful, it is vital that we constantly are learning new things. And if we want to learn new things, we must be able to realize that we don't know everything there is to know, and we don't always know how the world is going to behave. Learning requires humility. We must have the humility to get rid of our pre-conceived notions and accept what life is showing us about how things really work.

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